2.18 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

Safety & Navigation

Towing Operations

The Port Marine Safety Code ‘Guide to Good Practice’ requires Harbour Authorities to give special consideration to tows involving dead-ships or unusual objects and towage events of a non-routine nature the relevant extract of the Guide to Good Practice is below. As Cowes Harbour does not have, or regularly sub-contract in, any harbour tugs, all towing/pushing operations are deemed ‘non-routine towage’.

Ship owners, towage contractors, tug masters, project managers and agents are advised that the person responsible for the safety and planning of the manoeuvre (and thereby acting as the Towing Master) must be clearly identified for all operations and will be responsible for the production of risk assessments, method statements and passage plans which must be discussed and agreed in advance with Cowes Harbour Authority, via the Harbour Master.

To further clarify, this procedure will only apply to any commercial towage operation that exceeds 20m overall length or 12.5m overall width (including the towing vessel and the item being towed).

A “Non-Routine Towage Assessment” Form, found via the link below, must be submitted
electronically to the Harbour Master in advance of the operation along with a towage plan and risk assessment/method statement. When the details of the operation have been fully discussed and agreed upon, written approval of the Harbour Master, or his representative will be given on this form and returned to the applicant.

The form, and other relevant documentation, should arrive with the Harbour Master at least three days
before the intended date of the operation.

Completed forms along with a towage plan and risk assessment/method statement should be emailed to chc@cowes.co.uk at least three days before the intended towing operation.

Towing Operation Form

Non-Routine Towage Assessment Form