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News - 23/02/17

Works Licence Application – New Pontoon for Royal London YC

This application, submitted to Cowes Harbour Commission by the Royal London Yacht Club (RLYC), seeks to secure consent to complete construction and associated works for the proposed inner pontoon. The proposed site is inside the northern section of Trinity Landing utilising the ‘London Steps’, as depicted in the image below. 

RYLC_pontoon Plan view

The new pontoon will be available to members for the mooring of RIBs and the Club Launch as depicted below. 

Pontoon Plan

The existing entrance and walkway from the Parade would undergo modification and would be gated similar to the Royal Yacht Squadron Steps and Trinity Landing. 


This application is open for consultation until 31st March 2017. Any comments must be submitted before this date to the Harbour Master. These can be submitted in writing to the Harbour Office, Town Quay, Cowes, PO31 7AS. Emails should be submitted to chc@cowes.co.uk.