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News - 28/11/16

Works Licence Application – Kingston Marine Park

This application, submitted to Cowes Harbour Commission by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), seeks to secure consent to complete dredging, construction and associated works for the proposed Kingston Marine Park boat hoist and lay-by pontoons. The proposed site is south of the commercial wharves in the River Medina, as depicted in the image below. 

Proposed site for Kingston Marine Park – Boat Hoist and Pontoon 

Kingston Marine Park Dredging 
The operation involves a capital dredge to create an area with improved tidal access, to be used in conjunction with a hoist dock to facilitate boat construction and maintenance at Kingston Marine Park. Drawing MP 238-00-P300 highlights the area to be dredged. 

A variation to the original consented Marine Licence has been applied for from the Marine Management Organisation.

Construction element of the Kingston Hoist Dock
This will involve the installation of a hoist dock and lay-by pontoons, again in order to facilitate boat construction and maintenance at Kingston Marine Park. 

A variation to the consented construction has been applied for from the Isle of Wight Council Planning Department.The details of the variation to the consented scheme can be seen in the drawing MP 238-00-P400, which also shows the consented scheme for comparison purposes.

This application is open for consultation until 10th February 2017. Any comments must be submitted before this date to the Harbour Master. These can be submitted in writing to the Harbour Office, Town Quay, Cowes, PO31 7AS. Emails should be submitted to chc@cowes.co.uk.