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News - 21/07/16

Works Licence Application – Kingston and Cowes Investigation Boreholes

This application, submitted to Cowes Harbour Commission by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), seeks to secure consent to complete Site Investigation Boreholes at the proposed Kingston Marine Park and Cowes Shrape Breakwater extension sites, the boreholes are planned to be undertaken in late summer or autumn 2016.

Kingston Marine Park Boreholes
The operation comprises 3 x Boreholes in the intertidal area to inform detailed design of the hoist dock at Kingston Marine Park on the River Medina. The boreholes are estimated to be between 20 and 25m in depth and driven from a jack up barge. All boreholes will be sited within the confines of the proposed dredge footprint, similar to the locations identified in drawing MP238-00-P-Sk23.

A Marine Licence has been applied for from the Marine Management Organisation under application MLA/2016/00301 and all boreholes will be taken in accordance with any licence and conditions that are issued as a result of this application. It is planned to complete the boreholes in one deployment in late summer or early autumn, however the Marine licence has been applied for to be valid for one calendar year.

This works application does not seek to consent the dredging and construction element of the Kingston Hoist dock, solely the site investigation and as such a subsequent set of harbour works and dredging applications will be submitted against the construction element.

Cowes Shrape Extension Borehole(s)
The operation comprises the taking of borehole(s) within the box (Relocated Extension) as shown in the image ‘Cowes Breakwater Study‘ bounded by coordinates;

1) 50.764412° -1.292751°
2) 50.764412° -1.291830°
3) 50.764367° -1.291830°
4) 50.764367° -1.292751°

Due to the compact nature of the box it is likely that only one or two boreholes will be required and this will be taken using the same approach as at the Kingston site, with the jack up barge working sub tidally and not on the intertidal. It is most likely that the borehole will be taken in the same deployment as the Kingston boreholes to reduce mobilisation costs.

A variation to the existing Marine Licence (34532/090727/8) permitting the Shrape Extension has been applied for to cover the relocation, with the variation application also seeking to approve Site Investigations within the stated box.

This application is open for consultation until 18th August 2016. Any comments must be submitted before this date to the Harbour Master. These can be submitted in writing to the Harbour Office, Town Quay, Cowes, PO31 7AS. E-mails should be submitted to chc@cowes.co.uk