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News - 23/12/14

Works Licence application for Medina Yard

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) has published a Works/Dredge Licence application for the bed levelling of the boat hoist dock at Medina Wharf. 

Works Licence application no W02/10. 

Location: Medina Yard frontage south of the chain ferry in position: 50 45.27N 001 17.51W. 

Description of Works: The area of the hoist dock (20m x 6m) to be bed levelled using a plough to remove an accumulation of silt and increase the available water to the charted depth.

Harbour Legislation: The Piers and Harbour Act of 1936 gives CHC the powers to dredge and deepen the harbour. The Harbour Revision Order 1989 gives the power to consent works. CHC consent will therefore consider and determine all issues in respect to safety of navigation. CHC must however comply with the requirements of the European Habitats Regulations and Marine Works (E.I.A).

Comments or objections: To be received no later than Wednesday, 7th April 2010 in writing to: Cowes Harbour Master, Harbour Office, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 7AS, or by email to chc@cowes.co.uk.