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News - 22/12/14

Works Licence application for a sheet piled wall at Britannia House

Cowes Harbour Commission is advertising a Works Licence application for the construction of a sheet piled wall backfilled with dredged ballast with an overlay of a reinforced, 200mm of concrete slab.

Works Licence application No W03/11. 

Location: Britannia House, 9 Fountain Quay, Cowes, PO31 7AR (Adjacent the Red Funnel Red Jet terminal).

Description of Works: The construction of a sheet piled wall 2.6m x 10m x 2m to the side of Britannia House and backfilled behind with ballast (as dredged). Overlayed with 200mm of reinforced concrete slab, with timber fender around the top edge.

Hard copies of supporting drawings can be viewed at the Harbour Office, Town Quay Cowes between 0900-1700 Monday to Friday.

Comments or objections to be submitted in writing to the Harbour Office by: Friday, December 9th 2011.