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News - 22/12/14

Works Licence application for a new Shrape navigation beacon

Works Licence application No. W01/11. 

Cowes Harbour Commission is advertising a Works Licence application for the installation of a new navigation beacon to mark the northern extremity of the Shrape Mud at East Cowes.

Location: 370m northwest of Old Castle Point on the 2m below chart datum contour in position:

50 46.09N; 01 16.90W

Description of Works: A steel or GRP pile will be driven into the seabed and fitted with a red can top mark, flashing red light and a tide gauge.

It is hoped that the installation of this new navigation mark will prevent the grounding of numerous small craft on ‘The Shrape Mud’ each year.

Comments or objections to be submitted in writing to the Harbour Office by:

March 31st 2011
