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News - 22/12/14

Works Licence application – Cowes Town Waterfront Trust

Dredge and Works Licence application for Cowes Town Waterfront Trust. 

Cowes Harbour Commission have published a Dredge and Works Licence application for the maintenance dredge of up to 11250m3 of deposited silt and mud from Cowes Yacht Haven. The maintenance dredge aims to return the depth to that depicted on Admiralty chart BA279. The works will be carried out in tandem with the maintenance dredge of Cowes Corinthian Yacht Club as detailed in Works Licence Application 03 of 2010. 

Works Licence application: W04/10. 

Location: Cowes Yacht Haven

Description of Works: The maintenance dredge of up to 11250m3 of deposited silt and mud.

It is envisaged that the work will be undertaken between December 1st and December 31st 2010.

Comments or objections to be submitted in writing to the Harbour Office by:

Monday, 15th November 2010.

Other Consents: MMO – FEPA Act 1985 as Amended Licence 34875/10/0