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News - 08/05/15

Works Licence Application – 01/2015

A Cowes Harbour Commission Works Licence Application has been received for the construction of a walkway and 10m floating pontoon as detailed below; a diagram of the proposed works is also available for download. Hard copies of supporting documentation is available to view at the Cowes Harbour Office. 

Waterside pontoon diagram

Any comments or objections to be sent in writing to the Cowes Harbour Master, and received by Friday, 19th June 2015. 

Activity location: 

The site of the former Waterside public house located adjacent to the Island Sailing Club, Cowes Harbour, Isle of Wight. 

Activity type: Construction of new works 


Construction of a walkway, constructed of steel and timber fixed to the land with one pile and a 10m floating pontoon, constructed of steel and timber decking held in place with three piles.


All fabrication to be constructed off site and floated into place. All piling shall be carried out with vibro-piling from a floating rig. Noise and disturbance will be in accord with DM2 (Design Quality) and DM12 (Biodiversity, Geodiversity. Landscape and Seascape). All coatings/treatments of the structure hereby permitted shall be suitable for use in the marine environment and shall be in accordance with best environmental practice, and all reasonable precautions shall be undertaken to prevent pollution of the water body.

Programme of works:

Construct bridge October 2015-December 2015, float in pontoon January 2016. Allow three months for site overrun.