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News - 20/04/14

Works Licence application – 01/2012

Construction of new dock rear of Alexandra House, 19 Birmingham Road, Cowes. 

Please see below an application for a Works Licence for the creation of a new dock to the rear of Alexandra House, Cowes. 

The scheme was granted planning permission in November last year under reference P/01327/11. The application was described as a jetty, although technically it is a dock measuring some 75 m2. The dock will be constructed alongside the existing harbour wall and will be supported by 10 piled timber posts. The scheme will involve: 

1) Clearing the existing site of debris and tipped material. 
2) Sinking wooden piles into the mud using a digger located on the existing seawall. 
3) Construction of timber decking on top of the piles. 

An MMO licence has been applied for (application ref MLA/2012/00026), submitted on 19th January 2012. 

The OS coordinates of the proposed development are as follows:

50°45.5924’N 01°17.6710’W 50°45.5943’N 01°17.6682’W 50°45.5880’N 01°17.6595’W 50°45.5865’N 01°17.6623’W 50°45.5924’N 01°17.6710’W

The Crown Estates Office has been contacted over the proposal as the owners of the foreshore.


Planning, Design, Access and Heritage Statement.

• a copy of the planning statement describing the development
• a plan showing the location, extent and details of the proposal (10/181/104)
• a plan showing a cross section of the proposal (10/181/09)

Hard copies of supporting drawings can be requested from the Harbour Office, Town Quay Cowes.

Comments or objections to be submitted in writing to the Harbour Office by: Friday, 13th April 2012.

• 110912 Alexandra House jetty DAS1
• 10181-104 Proposed site plan – Jetty
• 10181-09 Proposed sections
• Jetty planning approval