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News - 27/02/18

Studio School sets sail

Cowes Harbour Commission recently received an application from the Isle of Wight Studio School requesting stakeholder support for the School’s Mini Tonner yacht.

Isle of Wight Studio School

The Commissioners agreed at their January Board meeting that the application matched a number of stakeholder dividend objectives; namely to promote increased involvement by schools and the local youth community in the harbour and sailing, and also to promote awareness of marine apprenticeships and training facilities. CHC has therefore agreed to provide a one-year mooring for the Studio School’s Mini Tonner through a stakeholder subsidy, along with an area for boat maintenance at Kingston Marine Boatyard. 

Headteacher at the Studio School, Mr Richard White, said: “We are absolutely delighted to have such wonderful support from Cowes Harbour Commission. Our school offers yacht racing, cruising and boat maintenance to all our students. We also take every opportunity to explore marine industry career pathways and look forward to extending the substantial contribution the CHC team have made in helping with careers events and related activities.”