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News - 02/03/21

Spring dredging works in the harbour

We have decided to carry out a routine maintenance dredge of Shepards Marina ahead of the season, which for operational reasons is coinciding with various other dredging works in the harbour, including a maintenance dredge at UKSA, and dredging to prepare for Wight Shipyard’s construction of a larger capacity hoist dock.

All marinas should undertake regular bed levelling and maintenance dredges to ensure the original dredged depths can be maintained. The dredging has been contracted to Poole-based contractor Jenkins Marine who will return the marina basin area at Shepards to the original design depths as charted on Admiralty Chart 2793.

Jenkins Marine are using their dredge barge and two split hopper barges, which will regularly transit the fairway, inbound and outbound. Harbour users are advised to keep well clear of the dredging operations and navigate with caution in the vicinity of the dredge works.

The operations cover several sites and are projected to continue until 31st March, depending on weather conditions. Further detail can be found in Local Notice to Mariners No. 12(T) of 2021 – Cowes Harbour Dredging Works.