3.02 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

News - 30/03/17

Sports boat collision in harbour

Around 0230 in the early hours of Sunday morning, 26th March, CHC was notified by the Emergency Services of an incident in the harbour involving a small sports fishing boat with four crew onboard. It is understood that the boat departed Cowes, bound back for the vessel’s home port of Gosport, and collided with the Shrape Breakwater, East Cowes, at speed, sustaining serious damage to the bow of the speed boat and to the crew of the vessel.

The vessel’s crew managed to return to Trinity Landing where the Emergency Services were contacted. The Coastguard and Police led on the initial incident response with assistance from the Harbour Master and his team. The speed fishing boat has been towed up to CHC’s Kingston Marine Boatyard in East Cowes and full investigations are currently underway. 

CHC would like to remind harbour users that Cowes Harbour is regulated by a set of General Directions to assist in managing the safety of navigation within the port. These General Directions include regulations governing the safe movement of vessels within the harbour’s jurisdiction, and state that boats should “be navigated at a speed not exceeding 6 knots through the water”, “with care and caution and in such a manner so as not to endanger the safety of other persons”, and that “no person shall navigate or attempt to navigate a vessel when unfit by reason of drink or drugs”. The Cowes Harbour General Directions can be viewed in full on the CHC website.