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News - 26/11/14

‘Solent Gateways’ Public Exhibition in East Cowes

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) is pleased to share some exciting news this week as a Public Exhibition is announced on the new concept plans for East Cowes and £15m investment for improving cross-Solent connections between Southampton and the Isle of Wight. 

East Cowes Town Council hosted a meeting on 25th November to hear about a project called ‘Solent Gateways’. Representatives from CHC, the Isle of Wight Council, Whippingham Parish Council, East Cowes Business Association, Isle of Wight Society (East Cowes branch), together with Red Funnel, the Police and local primary schools, were given a presentation showing the concept plans for East Cowes town centre. Alongside a new floating bridge, the scheme includes re-positioning the Red Funnel marshalling yard, a new ferry terminal, and exciting new public realm around East Cowes town centre. 

As a wider project, which includes moving the Red Funnel terminal at Southampton to Trafalgar Dock, Solent Gateways will see £15m of public investment matched by Red Funnel’s investment of a similar sum in its fleet and for new, state-of-the-art ferry terminals at Trafalgar Dock and East Cowes. 

Inward investment to support the local economy, encourage regeneration and create employment is an integral part of CHC’s vision and strategic policies for the development of Cowes Harbour and the Medina gateway. CHC considers that the Commission’s investment into the new detached breakwater and associated harbour infrastructure can act as a catalyst for transformative growth throughout the Medina Valley, the economic driver for the Isle of Wight.

We are therefore keen to play our part to promote and assist, where possible, with the delivery of this important Solent Gateways scheme, which will provide a strong platform for economic growth in Southampton and on the Island. By providing critical infrastructure, it facilitates improvements in connectivity across the Solent, while enabling stalled regeneration projects to come to fruition.

CHC believes that the Solent Gateways project, combined with and linked to the proposed new marina at East Cowes and shore side development, provides a unique and ‘not to be missed’ opportunity, not only for East Cowes and Cowes Harbour, but also for the Island as a whole.

A Public Exhibition on Solent Gateways will be held in East Cowes town centre on these dates:
Friday, 28th November 1300-1700 at East Cowes Town Hall
Saturday, 29th November 1000-1600 at East Cowes Heritage Centre
Monday, 1st – Friday, 5th December at Waitrose, East Cowes

More information coming soon…

The ‘Solent Gateways’ project is a partnership between the Homes and Communities Agency, Isle of Wight Council, Red Funnel, and Southampton City Council.

Image: Artist’s impression of how the future Trinity Wharf might look as part of Solent Gateways