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News - 13/01/23


**Updated 9 February 2023**

We’re inviting senior school children from across the Island aged 10 to 19 to create a 2D physical or digital image of what they think the Harbour will look like in the future.
Designs should be submitted to Cowes Harbour Commission office in person for physical designs or by emailing electronic designs to chc@cowes.co.uk. Shortlisted designs will be showcased in the Harbour Offices later this year.

The winning design/s will be made into a large display in the Harbour Office for the rest of the Anniversary Year with design-led prizes being awarded to the winners.

Previously we advised a deadline of the 10 of February. This has now been extended to Sunday 16 April giving students extra time through the Spring half-term break and Easter holiday to complete their masterpieces. A new entry form will soon be available from our website, while entries on the current form (showing the previous deadline date) will still be accepted.
If you are under 19 years of age or know of someone who is and would like to enter the competition please see below for the application form.

We’re looking forward to seeing your ideas!