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News - 23/02/16

RSS feed for Cowes Local Notices to Mariners

Cowes Harbour Commission has developed an RSS feed to enable wider distribution of Local Notices to Mariners (LNTMs). 

RSS Local Notices to Mariners feedRSS (or “Really Simple Syndication”) is an automated service that delivers the latest content of a website directly to your feed reader.

Local yacht clubs and other organisations can now choose to display Cowes LNTMs on their websites, individuals can view them on mobile devices – and more harbour users can keep track of the current notices in force.

The RSS feed for Cowes LNTMs can be found on our Local Notices to Mariners landing page.

• To access an RSS feed on your smart phone or computer, you will need to select a News Reader. 

• To subscribe to CHC’s RSS feed, simply cut and paste the following URL into your chosen RSS reader: http://www.cowesharbourcommission.co.uk/lntmsrss.aspx

• To add the RSS feed to your website, there are special computer programs called “RSS aggregators” that automatically access the RSS feeds you choose to display on your site. Consult your website provider for full information.