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News - 27/05/15

Royal Yacht Squadron Fleet Review

Royal Yacht Squadron BicentenaryThis year the Royal Yacht Squadron (RYS) achieves its bicentenary and will be celebrating 200 years of yachting. There are two significant events planned during these celebrations, a Squadron Members’ Regatta in June, including a Fleet Review on 5th June and an International Regatta from 25th-31st July.

On Friday, 5th June starting at 1400 the Duke of Edinburgh, as Admiral of the Royal Yacht Squadron, will be conducting a Review of the yachts belonging to members of the RYS who are commemorating their bicentenary. The RYS was inaugurated on 1st June 1815 at the Club’s first meeting in St James’s, London. The Duke will be joined by other members of the British Royal Family and overseas Royal guests.

The Fleet Review is a private event and part of a varied programme of celebrations by the RYS both on and off the water taking place during 2015. The day will also include a Church Service and Beat Retreat on Cowes Parade.

In excess of 180 private sailing and motor boats will be moored in the Solent at the mouth of the Medina River in Cowes from 1200 on the 5th June.

The British Royal party will include HRH The Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, the Earl and Countess of Wessex and HRH Prince Michael of Kent. Visiting royalty will include HM King Harald of Norway, HSH Prince Albert of Monaco, TM King Constantine II of Greece and Queen Anne‐Marie, HM King Juan Carlos of Spain and HRH Prince Henrik of Denmark.

Prior to and during the RYS Fleet Review, in the interests of navigational safety and for security reasons, Cowes Harbour Commission will introduce and enforce a number of Exclusion Zones, as well as a temporary speed limit of 6 knots in the Outer Harbour, under CHC’s Powers of General Directions (Cowes Harbour Revision Order 2012, Section 12, para 7b).

At approximately 1400 the Review flotilla, consisting of two P2000 Naval Patrol vessels, will depart the Royal Yacht Squadron Haven and proceed south along the Inner Fairway and make a turn at No. 6 buoy before proceeding north. At No. 2A buoy the flotilla will leave the fairway and proceed east, passing south of the new Cowes Breakwater, and enter the Small Craft Channel before reviewing the small craft fleet moored in the area of small craft moorings to the north and east of the new breakwater. The flotilla will then proceed in an anti-clockwise direction reviewing the larger vessels at anchor in Cowes Roads before reviewing the vessels moored on M Row to the west of the Outer Fairway off Prince’s Green.

Local Notice to Mariners No 15(T) of 2015 has been issued outlining the area and all restrictions. All Exclusion Zones will be rigorously patrolled by CHC patrol RIBs and the Police.

Although these events are primarily for the guests and members of the Royal Yacht Squadron, members of the public may wish to get a glimpse of royalty both British and from overseas, enjoy music by the Royal Marines Band, watch the Fleet Review or simply enjoy being part of the overall celebrations.

There will be viewing areas along the shore including The Parade and The Green, which are ideally suited for the public, although space will be limited on The Parade. Please look out for security officials and Marshals who will guide you to the right areas.

In the early evening the Royal guests and RYS members and other guests will attend a church service at Trinity Church adjacent to the RYS.

Proceedings will culminate on Friday with a Beating Retreat conducted by the Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines Collingwood on The Parade at Cowes at 1915 with the salute being taken by the Duke of Edinburgh.

On Saturday, 6th June, a Spitfire air display from RYS sister organisation, The Air Squadron, plus a fireworks display will add to the festivities. The fireworks display will commence at 2220 with the fireworks being launched from a barge to the west of the Outer Fairway. An exclusion zone will be enforced around the barge from 2200 by CHC vessels and marshall craft to protect spectating craft from firework fallout and debris; in the interests of safety all vessels must remain outside the exclusion zone. Please read Local Notice to Mariners No 16(T) of 2015 for further details on the exclusion zone in place for the fireworks, order of events and navigation advice.

Visit the RYS website for more information on the 1815 – 2015 RYS Bicentenary Celebrations.

STOP PRESS: CHC has published some photos from the RYS Fleet Review on Flickr

Top photo: Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes. Credit: Olek Creations / facebook.com/OlekCreations