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News - 22/12/14

Proposed Town Quay developments

At its September Board meeting, Cowes Harbour Commission reviewed initial designs for the creation of new visitor pontoons in the Town Quay basin to increase the harbour’s short-stay mooring capacity.

In considering the development, Commissioner’s recognised the increasing year-on-year demand for moorings close to the retail and leisure facilities in the town centre, especially for visiting RIBs. Although it is envisaged that the new moorings will not produce a commercial return on investment, they will improve the quality of visitor-experience in Cowes and have a positive impact on the local economy.

It is intended that the existing scrubbing berth will be maintained in its current position.

The Commission has already consulted with its Advisory Group over the optimal configuration for the new pontoons and is in the process of discussing the new proposals with adjacent landowners. It would now like to consult more widely before considering a formal planning application.

Your views are most welcome.

Cowes Harbour Commission feels it is important to receive feedback on its proposed enhancement of the Town Quay from the widest audience possible of harbour users and stakeholders.

Your views and comments are both welcome and valued, please submit in writing by 20th October 2011 either by email to chc@cowes.co.uk or by writing to the Harbour Master.