2.58 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

News - 23/09/14

Photographs of Cowes Harbour and the River Medina

The majority of the photographs in our monthly newsletters and on the Cowes Harbour Commission website have been taken by CHC staff and local marine photographers. If you would like to see your photographs showcased by CHC, then here is what we are looking for: 

– Landscape/seascape photos taken in and around Cowes Harbour 
– Photos of the River Medina, including flora and fauna 
– Images should not be over 2MB in size 
– Please provide information on when and where your photos were taken 

Photos can be submitted vie email to chc@cowes.co.uk or delivered on a disk to the Harbour Office at Town Quay. Please ensure you include your contact details, and the name of the individual who should be credited with taking the photo, if it is not yourself. Thank you.