2.51 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

News - 13/06/16

Passenger ship MV Balmoral mooring incident at Cowes

On Saturday, 11th June at 1300 the MV Balmoral was approaching the Trinity Landing pontoons in Cowes to moor when the ship came into contact with the southernmost pontoon section during manoeuvring. The coastal passenger vessel, operated by White Funnel Ltd, had departed Portsmouth earlier in the day with passengers and crew onboard and was due to berth at Trinity Landing before circumnavigating the Isle of Wight.

The incident was witnessed by Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) Berthing Masters, who were on Trinity Landing to assist with the MV Balmoral’s mooring lines, and also by passengers on The Parade waiting to embark. Conditions at the time were favourable with light breezes and a slack tide. No personnel were injured as a result of the incident, and the 62m passenger ship suffered no significant damage and was able to continue on to Yarmouth and around the Island.

However, the impact from the MV Balmoral has caused considerable damage to one of the five floating Trinity Landing pontoons. The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has been informed and the harbour authority will also be carrying out a full investigation into the circumstances.

Trinity Landing, owned by the Harbour Commission, is an important berthing facility, particularly during the main sailing season, and CHC is therefore reviewing options for the repair of the damaged section as a matter of priority, with the objective of reinstating it as soon as practicable.

Further updates will be provided in due course.

Photos below: On Friday, 10th June, MV Balmoral had berthed successfully at Trinity Landing twice during the day.

MV Balmoral moored at Trinity Landing on Friday 10th June
The MV Balmoral berthed alongside Trinity Landing on Friday morning, 10th June, the day before the mooring incident. Image by Dan Westwood / CHC.

MV Balmoral at Trinity Landing on 10th June
The MV Balmoral berthed alongside Trinity Landing on the evening of Friday, 10th June, the day before the mooring incident. Image by Hamo Thornycroft / www.yacht-photos.co.uk