2.82 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

News - 28/06/17

On-the-go with CHC’s responsive website

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) has just launched an upgraded responsive designed website to meet on-the-go demand for informative content about the harbour and its services.

The website at cowesharbourcommission.co.uk has been developed to feature a fully responsive design, adapting its display for optimal viewing on mobile devices and desktops alike without loss of function or information. 

Capt. Stuart McIntosh, Cowes Harbour Master, said: “Today, nearly 50% of our web visits are done via mobile devices and so we wanted to answer this constantly increasing need for information on the go by re-developing CHC’s website.

“Our responsive site now delivers an improved user experience and allows website visitors to browse on the device of their choice.”

The design and build was undertaken in partnership with Cowes-based Netguides Ltd. Managing Director at Netguides, Dawn Bee, commented: “The CHC website presents a vast amount of useful information to a range of audiences, so organisation and ease of use are key. The new site maintains the proven design on larger screens but responsively provides good layouts on tablets and mobiles as well.

“We were delighted to work with the CHC team on this project, which has greatly improved the usability of the site on smaller devices and will help keep the website easy to find on Google.”

NB. If you experience problems when visiting our new website for the first time, can we suggest refreshing your browser to clear the cache and load the new site. If the problem still persists, please do let us know.