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News - 24/10/16

October 2016 news on the Outer Harbour Project (OHP)

Over the past month, progress has continued towards finalising the ‘Harbour Infrastructure Funding Agreement’ between Cowes Harbour Commission, the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) and their developers Camper & Nicholsons and Westcourt Real Estate; this agreement is essential to provide the funding for the Shrape Breakwater extension and Eastern Channel dredge. 

OHP construction and dredge licences 
OHP programme managers Marina Projects have successfully obtained the new MMO (Marine Management Organisation) construction licence that includes the revised and optimised position for the Shrape extension, which will be moved 30m south and aligned east-west. 

Additionally, Marina Projects have now submitted an application to vary the existing MMO dredging consent licence, to take account of the optimised OHP design layout, including all the proposed CHC ancillary dredging to improve navigation safety and increase the depth of the mooring basin inside the Cowes Breakwater.

Shrape soils investigation
As a result of the revised position of the Shrape extension, additional ground information is required to establish the nature of the seabed down to depths of 25 metres. Investigative boreholes and survey work will most likely be carried out in late October or early November, exact dates to be confirmed. A Local Notice to Mariners will be issued in advance with full navigation and safety information. The soils information will then be used to inform the detailed design of the Shrape extension, prior to tender and construction contract award.