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News - 25/09/19

Oceans of opportunities on land and sea

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) was proud to join around 40 other exhibitors at the Royal Yacht Squadron Isle of Wight Foundation’s third Marine Careers Fair on 18th September, which featured presentations, workshops and exhibitors from a broad range of marine careers providers, trainers and businesses. The RYS IW Foundation is a registered charity that exists in order to help young people with strong connections to the Island get started in a career that has a maritime element.

This year’s event saw a large number of students from Island schools pass through the Fair during the course of the day, with abundant opportunities for participating companies and young people to have meaningful conversations in a way that some less focussed fairs are unable to achieve.

Cowes Harbour Commission was represented by Deputy Harbour Master (DHM) Jon Howden and Marine Services Manager Jock Rafferty, who were on hand to talk to primary and secondary school students about working in the marine industry and the range of opportunities on offer within a port authority.

DHM Jon Howden said: “We had some very interested and engaged young people asking specific questions about working for the Commission, including how to become a pilot. The number and calibre of exhibitors supporting the Fair was excellent. A specialist careers fair such as this is of great value to the local community as obviously marine employment is pivotal for Cowes and the Isle of Wight.”