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News - 04/05/20

New set of General Directions in force

A revised set of Cowes Harbour General Directions has been ratified by the CHC Board at the April 2020 Board meeting and is now in force. This follows the annual review of General Directions and the now completed statutory consultation on changing the two Temporary General Directions on Restricted Visibility into permanent General Directions, and also changing the definition of the Inner and Outer Harbour to clarify the area of regulation for the 6 knots speed limit and no wash. 

The two Temporary General Directions introduced in response to the Red Funnel ferry incidents of 2018 in restricted visibility are now included within the set of permanent General Directions. This follows the February 2020 publication of the MAIB investigation report into the 2018 Red Falcon/Greylag incident. The two new, permanent General Directions on Restricted Visibility form part of CHC’s safety control measures for navigation in the harbour in restricted visibility conditions.

Additionally, new wording is used to better describe the limits of the Inner and Outer Harbour areas. This provides improved clarity and definition of where the Inner Harbour 6 knot speed limit and no wash applies, which is up to 100m from the Mean High Water Mark along the length of the shore within CHC’s area of jurisdiction.

The new General Directions and all changes are further explained and highlighted on the CHC website.