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News - 27/05/14

New appointments add value to Cowes Harbour Commissioners

Cowes Harbour Commissioners (CHC) has appointed two new Board members, Howard Pearce and Andrew Cooper. The new Commissioners will be introduced to stakeholders at the Harbour Commission’s Annual Public Meeting at the Island Sailing Club in Cowes on Wednesday, 18th June from 7pm. 

CHC Commissioner Howard PearceHoward Pearce is a former senior executive at the Environment Agency, with experience in business planning, funding, investment and commercial contract management. His career has encompassed the water, leisure, sport, and environmental sectors.

Howard said: “My connections with Cowes and the Isle of Wight go back to the 1980s and I am delighted to have been invited to join CHC at this time. Cowes is a vital economic and leisure gateway to the Isle of Wight and I look forward to working with my fellow Commissioners to further develop our strategy to deliver benefits to our stakeholders and the Island that we serve.” 

CHC Commissioner Andrew CooperFollowing 35 years of public service in the Royal Navy and Foreign Office, with the last six years in the private sector at an aerospace and defence company, Andrew Cooper brings considerable experience in maritime safety to his new role.

Andrew said: “Having enjoyed a close association with Cowes as a yachtsman for 40 years, it is very rewarding to be able to put something back into the local community, and I hope to play an active role in promoting and securing the future of Cowes as a major international venue.”

Commenting on the appointments, Roger Mathias, Chairman of Cowes Harbour Commissioners, said: “I welcome our new appointees who bring extensive experience and will really add value and complement our existing Board members’ breadth of skills. We will shortly be carrying out a review of Commissioner responsibilities, therefore, portfolio roles for our new Commissioners will be assigned at the review and I look forward to Howard and Andrew making a full contribution to the CHC Board.”

Harbour Master, Captain Stuart McIntosh said: “I am very pleased to welcome our new Commissioners and I am confident that, under the leadership of our Chairman Roger Mathias, the strengthened Board will provide the strategic direction necessary to encourage the continued growth and success of Cowes Harbour.”

Capt. McIntosh also paid tribute to the outgoing Board members, Peter Jackson and Peter Morton, and added: “I am very grateful for the hard work and commitment of those Commissioners who are stepping down. Their contribution to our Board has been invaluable and I wish them both well in their future endeavours.”