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News - 02/08/16

Meet the new Commissioners – Michael Greville

The Board of Cowes Harbour Commissioners has recently welcomed three new members, Michael Greville, Ben Board, and Roy Lambden. As well as the new members, Cowes Harbour Commission has also welcomed back Jeff Armitage, who has been reappointed to serve a third term. The appointments will run for three years to 30th April 2019.

This month, we turn the spotlight onto Michael Greville, new Commissioner for the portfolios Governance & Regulatory, plus Port Development.

Mike Greville has 30 years’ experience as a commercial lawyer in the maritime sector and has owned a house in Cowes for over 15 years, where he now resides. He said: “As a long-term resident attracted to Cowes for the sailing, its development as a maritime centre and vibrant community is extremely important to me, and the harbour is at the heart of that.”

He is also an experienced racing yachtsman and the immediate past Commodore of the Royal Ocean Racing Club. Mike added: “I have kept yachts in Cowes since 1999 and feel that has given me a good understanding of everything that Cowes has to offer to its stakeholders and in particular the sailing community. This, together with a professional interest and experience in shipping and shipbuilding, and I feel that I have a natural affinity with much of the harbour’s activity.”

IRC Nationals 2016 - credit Rick Tomlinson
Mike Greville’s yacht Erivale in the IRC Nationals 2016. Credit Rick Tomlinson / www.rick-tomlinson.com

Brought up in West Mersea in Essex, Mike has sailed all his life and owned his own offshore racing boats since the mid-1980s, having completed the Fastnet Race no less than 17 times and participated in many Cowes Weeks and other regattas.

After university Mike qualified as a barrister in 1985 and requalified as a solicitor in 1990, becoming a partner in an international firm in the City of London where his practice focused on shipping, marine construction, and oil and gas work. He became his firm’s Head of Litigation and was Global Managing Partner for over 12 years (2001-2014) with responsibility for all aspects of the management and strategic development of the firm’s business. Mike retired from the practice in 2015 and since then has been developing other interests, which include advising a variety of businesses in the shipping and yachting industries.

In addition to holding the position of RORC Commodore from 2011-2014, Mike was the Club’s Hon. Treasurer for 10 years, and is currently a member of the RORC Cowes Committee.

Mike commented: “My family and I have enjoyed making Cowes our home and we have seen how it has changed over the years. There are interesting opportunities – and challenges – for the next phases of development of the harbour, to which I believe that I can make a useful contribution as a Harbour Commissioner.”