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News - 17/05/22

Mark Southwell is the Advisory Committee chair

Mark Southwell, Cowes RNLI lifeboat operations manager, is
the new chair of the Cowes Harbour Advisory Committee, succeeding John Corby,
owner of Corby Yachts.

Mark has a vision for a safe and vibrant harbour benefitting
locals and visitors. He said: “I came to Cowes for six months as a relief
customs officer in 1982 and loved the place so much I’m still here. I feel
strongly the harbour should always be managed for the benefit of all – being a
safe stretch of water for us locals and the thousands of visitors who come every
year, with successful marine businesses flourishing on both sides of the river
and the two towns being places people love to visit. All these elements bring
jobs and investment, and we shouldn’t forget the harbour is a precious natural
asset for the Isle of Wight.”

Mark concluded: “I share John Corby’s drive for and pride in
the harbour and aim to ensure the Advisory Committee membership remains
relevant and that we offer encouragement and good advice to the Harbour

Gary Hall, Cowes Harbour chief executive said: “We are
pleased that Mark will be leading the Advisory Committee for the next three
years. His role as lifeboat operations manager for Cowes RNLI, and prior to
that as a long-serving Customs Officer gives him a wide range of experiences within
the harbour community.”

He added: “We thank John Corby for his work in leading
the Advisory Committee through the pandemic, and are pleased that John will
continue to contribute as an active committee member.”

The Advisory Committee is a key element of good governance
for the harbour, creating a two-way point of contact between the Harbour
Commission and harbour stakeholders. This enables the Commission to consult
with stakeholders, and for stakeholders to table ideas, raise concerns and
comment on proposed changes to the operation of the harbour. 

The Committee is made up of representatives from stakeholder
groups across the Medina, including the RNLI, Red Funnel, UKSA, Cowes and East
Cowes Town Councils, marina operators, sailing clubs, Cowes Week and other
events, shipyards and commercial vessel operators. Gary Hall and Ed Walker
represent the executive, and commissioner Clive Blount is the link to the

The Committee meets three times a year, usually in January,
April and September. The agenda at each Advisory Committee meeting will cover
the following topics:
moorings & berths
and racing
Public use
and access

If you want to raise a question or have a comment on any of
these topics, please contact a member of the Advisory Committee or send
an email to chac@cowes.co.uk.