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News - 18/12/14

Maintenance Dredge Licence Application – 05/2014 CYH

An application has been received for a maintenance dredge licence at Cowes Yacht Haven. 

Cowes Yacht Haven, Vectis Yard, High Street, Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO31 7BD. 

Description of the Proposed Work:
The area to be dredged includes both the North and South basins and the area adjacent to the pontoons in the Inner Fairway. The final dredge level will be between 2.0m – 3.0m below chart datum as shown on British Admiralty Chart 2793. The amount of spoil dredge material to be removed is approximately 12,000 cubic metres. The work is aimed to be carried out in February 2015; and will form part of an MMO licensed six year maintenance dredge campaign.  

Hard copies of supporting drawings and method statements can be viewed at the Harbour Office, Town Quay, Cowes between 0900-1700 Monday to Friday from January 5th 2015. 

The deadline for comments or objections is 31st January 2015; these should be submitted to the Harbour Office in writing.