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News - 25/03/19

Invitation to tender for publication of Cowes Harbour Handbook

Cowes Harbour Commission, in line with our governance policies is tendering for a publisher for the annually produced Cowes Harbour Handbook.

The Cowes Harbour Handbook is the official, definitive guide to Cowes Harbour, the River Medina, Cowes and East Cowes on the Isle of Wight, with a readership comprised of leisure sailors and boaters, visitors, local residents and commercial harbour users. The Cowes Harbour Handbook is published in hard copy, with an online version also issued via a digital publishing platform.

A publishing partner is sought with expertise in the production of contemporary, high quality, informative and engaging print publications. The successful publisher will market and produce the next edition of the Cowes Harbour Handbook in time to distribute prior to Easter 2020.

Completed tenders must be received by the Commission no later than noon on Friday, 26th April 2019. Late tenders will neither be accepted nor considered. It is anticipated that interviews will take place during May 2019.

• View and download the Cowes Harbour Handbook Invitation to Tender

Proposals should be made in writing to:
Capt. Stuart McIntosh, Harbour Master / Chief Executive
Cowes Harbour Commission, Harbour Office, Town Quay, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 7AS

T: 01983 293952 E: chc@cowes.co.uk