3.21 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

News - 06/05/19

Incident 6th May 2019

Cowes Harbour confirms that an incident occurred within the Inner Harbour at approximately 0030 hours today (Monday, 6th May 2019). Two RIBs caught fire that were moored on ‘G’ pontoon, located opposite the Whitegates Public Landing Pontoon and adjacent to the southern end of Medina Yard at Cowes on the west side of the River Medina. Fire damage was also sustained to part of Cowes Harbour Commission’s (CHC’s) mooring pontoon. No persons were on board the RIBs at the time of the incident and there have been no reports of any injuries.

Emergency response procedures were initiated and the relevant authorities have been advised. CHC will continue its incident investigation into the incident and response.