3.21 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

News - 29/04/22

Harbour users’ survey

The 2022 harbour users’ survey is now closed. We had over 200 responses from resident and visiting boat owners/crew, employers and non-boating residents.

We will analyse the wide range of comments and suggestions and feed back later in the summer.

If you didn’t respond or want to raise another issue, we always welcome input. Please email us on chc@cowes.co.uk or contact the Cowes Harbour Advisory Committee on chac@cowes.co.uk

running a survey from 29 April to 1 June to find out what you think about the
harbour and the facilities we provide – what we do well, and how you think we
can improve.

We get feedback all the time from harbour users and
the local community, and more is provided directly to our commissioners and
through the Advisory Committee.

We want the ad hoc feedback to continue, but we
also need to ‘test the water’ and understand the views of a wide range of
people – boat owners, local marine businesses, visitors and local residents. A
big survey allows us to capture views from a wide range of respondents at a
single point in time.

Your responses will help us to prioritise
improvements and to shape our future plans. We will publish feedback and
insight in our newsletters, social media and website, with initial results
available later this summer.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insight.