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News - 28/10/14

Harbour navigation information

All harbour users are advised that new Cowes fairway buoyage has been established with the addition on 16th October of two red port lateral marks, 2A and 4A, in the Inner Fairway. The laying of these two marks, which are fitted with radar reflectors and lights, reduces the distance between the red lateral marks to a maximum of 1 cable and will assist mariners further in conditions of reduced visibility. Please see Local Notice to Mariners No 29 of 2014 for mark positions and light characteristics.

As mentioned in last month’s E-newsletter and detailed in Local Notice to Mariners 25 of 2014 during the last three hours of the flood tide a cross current may be experienced between the Watch House Beacon and the Small Craft Channel with rates of up to 1.25 knots on a mean high water spring tide. Small craft of less than 20 metres in length are reminded of their obligation to not impede the passage of large vessels that can only safely navigate within the fairway.

Following completion of the 2014 phase of breakwater construction, CHC and ABPmer will carry out further detailed monitoring of tidal flows in the harbour. Results from this monitoring, which will include actual flow directions and strengths, will be reviewed against pre-construction flow rates and modelling predictions, and facilitate the model’s further calibration and adjustment with the latest post-construction tidal data. The updated model will then be used for the planned review of the design and construction for phases 2 and 3, the dredging of the eastern channel and extension to the Shrape breakwater.