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News - 28/06/17

Get involved with the Harbour Advisory Committee

Did you know? The Cowes Harbour Advisory Committee (CHAC) represents the different stakeholder groups within Cowes Harbour and plays a key role in maintaining successful two-way communications between harbour users and the Harbour Commission. Our harbour users vary from leisure sailors to commercial shipping operators, training schools to local traders and more.

The CHAC meets several times a year and is made up of a number of members from a wide range of stakeholder organisations. The composition of the CHAC is decided by Committee members, with reference to their constituent bodies, and is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure it reflects the community that the Harbour Commission serves. You can view a list of the current CHAC members online. 

If you have any ideas to put forward, or issues that you would like the CHAC to take up on your behalf, you can contact the Chairman John Corby or any of the CHAC members by sending a message via our web contact form, or emailing direct at chac@cowes.co.uk.