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News - 25/02/15

February breakwater works in Cowes

We can now bring you the first news on this year’s breakwater construction works. Following a winter monitoring and settlement period of the new breakwater’s gravel core, Cowes Harbour Commission’s contractors Boskalis Westminster will return on 25th February 2015 to carry out a week’s re-shaping work using the same plant as last year, an excavator and the Doreen Dorward barge. As part of the February works, Boskalis will also carry out further surveys to determine that settlement of the core material into the subsoil is as predicted and in accordance with construction plans. 

An Exclusion Zone continues to be in operation around the breakwater construction area and all mariners are advised to check Cowes Local Notice to Mariners No 09(T) of 2015 Breakwater Works for the latest up-to-date information.

Breakwater Exclusion Zone buoys

At the end of May, Boskalis will mobilise again to start the final phase of this 18-month project. The slopes of the gravel core will be brought into profile and then in mid to late June, the placement of the rock armour protection will commence, which should take approximately three months. Finally, permanent fixed aids to navigation will be placed on the breakwater.

The result in October 2015 will be a 350 metre long, detached rock armoured breakwater that protects existing homes, businesses and harbour users and that enables the continued regeneration of East Cowes and the further economic benefits that brings to the Island.

Further updates and more detail on the 2015 breakwater construction programme will be published over the coming months in our E-newsletters and on the CHC website, as well as in the 2015 Cowes Port Handbook.

Read more in our Cowes Breakwater Project section.