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News - 04/08/16

Event tender opportunity at Shepards Wharf Marina

Event tender opportunity in Cowes: Provision of a ‘Cowes Week Regatta Village’ at Shepards Wharf Marina – Cowes – Isle of Wight. 

Purpose of Tender: Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) is seeking expressions of interest from suitably experienced companies, organisations or individuals to deliver the provision of shoreside entertainment, retail, food and beverage services at the Shepards Wharf Marina official Cowes Week venue for berth holders, the event’s competitors, and the general public visiting the site. The tender agreement will commence with Cowes Week 2017.

Cowes Week is one of Europe’s largest and most exciting yacht racing regattas and is a key highlight of the British sporting summer. The regatta offers a great mix of competitive sailing and social activities. During early August over 1,000 boats, around 8,500 competitors and in excess of 100,000 spectators descend on Cowes for the week to compete for the many prestigious prizes that are up for grabs, watch the sailing, enjoy the parties and live entertainment, and to experience the vibrant festival atmosphere.

Shepards Wharf Marina is the day racing yachtsman’s shoreside location of choice during the Cowes Week regatta. Located just 200 metres from the town centre on Medina Road, which is the main thoroughfare between West and East Cowes, Shepards Wharf is a highly popular marina, where competitors, friends and families all contribute to the welcoming Cowes Week atmosphere.

For more information and to request the full Invitation to Tender, visit: 