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News - 16/07/15

Etchells Invitational Regatta returns

Sailors from around the world will soon be gathering to compete in the second Etchells Invitational Regatta for the prestigious Gertrude Cup. Last year 11 countries were represented across 20 teams and a similar mix is expected in 2015. 

Competitors can look forward to four days of fleet racing (Sunday, 2nd to Wednesday, 5th August) with practice racing on 1st August. A fleet of 20 matched Etchells boats will once again be berthed at Shepards Wharf Marina where registration, daily briefings and the after race prize giving will also take place. On-the-water umpiring will be provided by international umpires and international judges. 

Helms must all be Corinthian but there are no other restrictions and the intention is to have 11 windward/leeward races over the four days with on-the-water support to assist with any boat maintenance issues. Each team keeps the same sails but rotates hulls to ensure fairness.

Visit etchellsinvitational.com to find out more including the Notice of Race, schedule of events, and an excellent film from the inaugural event in 2014.