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News - 03/06/21

Dredge Licence Application – 03/2021 Clarence Boat Yard

An application has been received for a maintenance bed levelling licence at the Clarence Boat Yard, Clarence Road, East Cowes site.


Wight Clarence Boatyard, Clarence Road, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6TA.

Description of the Proposed Work:
Bed levelling of the existing pontoon berthing area to reinstate previous operational depths.

A plough towed by a tug/ multicat will plough in an upstream direction. An Marine Management Organisation (MMO) exemption has been submitted; EXE/2021/00098.
The amount of material to be displaced by the total operation is estimated to be 150 cubic metres. The bed levelling process may be repeated up to three times per annum in accordance with the exemption. The work is planned to commence 7th June 2021 and to be completed by 6th June 2022.

Hard copies of supporting drawings and method statements can be viewed at the Harbour Office, Town Quay, Cowes between 0900-1700 Monday to Friday.

Cowes Harbour Commission has not raised comments or objections to the application.