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News - 27/05/15

Developing young people

Apprenticeships are a valuable means of helping young people develop the skills and qualifications that are needed in the industry of their choice. Cowes Harbour Commission supports and is actively involved in a continuing programme of apprenticeships through the Isle of Wight College. Over the past few years CHC has taken on apprentices at both Kingston Marine Services and Shepards Wharf Marina and currently employs a business administration apprentice at the marina. 

At their April Board meeting, CHC Commissioners were therefore delighted to hear about the formation of the Royal Yacht Squadron’s Isle of Wight Foundation, a charitable cause established by the Squadron to promote opportunities in the marine industry for young people living on the Island, opening their minds to opportunities outside the realm of their normal environment. 

The RYS Foundation aims to provide financial support for young people aged 15 to 29 who live on the Island, and who need further education, either academic or vocational, and are seeking a career with a maritime connection. This initiative is supported by the British Marine Federation, the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights, and the Isle of Wight College.

Working closely with schools and other organisations on the Island, the RYS Foundation will give targeted help to train young people, enabling them to take up opportunities for which they would otherwise fail to qualify, helping them to get access to higher educational standards and so gain better quality employment, predominantly in the marine industry.

To find out more about who can apply to the RYS Foundation and what applications will qualify, visit the new RYS Isle of Wight Foundation website.