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News - 05/08/20

Crackdown targets antisocial behaviour on River Medina

People jumping off Trinity Landing, near misses with ferries, and inconsiderate use of powercraft – these are some of the Isle of Wight issues being tackled by Operation Wavebreaker, reports the Isle of Wight County Press today, 5th August 2020

Hampshire Constabulary’s Marine Support Unit has initiated the operation this year to tackle all types of antisocial behaviour in the marine environment. 

A warning recently went out that the River Medina was one area people were frequently spotted undergoing dangerous activity. 

A spokesperson for the Hampshire Constabulary said: “The majority of this type of activity is weather dependant and every summer brings issues to some degree, but we’ve seen an increase in reports over the last three months, since lockdown was lifted.

“The majority of problems revolve around dangerous or inconsiderate use of small powered craft, and large groups congregating near the water, which often leads to people jumping in and swimming in prohibited areas and other associated criminal issues.

“In Cowes, we’ve been in regular contact with the Deputy Harbour Master and we’ve received several reports of people jumping off Trinity Landing pontoon, and other areas, and swimming in the main channel or fairway.

“Most people don’t realise this is an offence and those found guilty in court are liable to a fine.

“In the past there have been several near misses with swimmers and commercial ferries entering and leaving the River Medina.

“Unfortunately, many people underestimate the dangers associated with the sea and where their behaviour endangers themselves or others.

“The Marine Support Unit will continue to proactively support our partners and deal with antisocial and criminal activity.”

• View this article by IWCP Head of Content Lori Little on the County Press website:

• Trinity Landing is covered by CCTV security. See Cowes Harbour Commission Local Notice to Mariners No. 19 of 2017 – Use of CCTV and Video Images for Safety and Security