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News - 27/05/15

Cowes Port Handbook out to tender

Cowes Harbour Commission is always looking for ways to improve its publications and therefore, as part of CHC’s ongoing strategic review, improvements to communications with harbour users and stakeholders are under consideration. Revised communications policies and objectives will be published in CHC’s forthcoming Strategic Policy Document 2015-2020. 

At present, in accordance with the Commission’s policy, CHC is tendering for the engagement of a new publishing and marketing partner for the annual Cowes Port Handbook

Companies with relevant experience within the marine industry are invited to tender and the successful company will be expected to produce the next edition of the Cowes Port Handbook in time for Easter 2016. Management and delivery of the affiliated cowes.co.uk website is an option within the tender.

Further details can be obtained from:
Captain Stuart McIntosh
Harbour Master/Chief Executive
Cowes Harbour Commission
Harbour Office
Town Quay
Isle of Wight PO31 7AS.

Tel: 01983 293952 or email: chc@cowes.co.uk.

Submissions of interest to be received by Friday, 19th June 2015.

Cowes Port Handbook out to tender