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News - 02/03/21

Cowes Harbour news on roadmap out of lockdown

From 8th March, the UK Government will start to lift restrictions in England with a four-step roadmap that offers a route back to a more normal life. Cowes Harbour Commission welcomes the confirmation that outdoor sport and recreation will be the first activity after education to be released from lockdown. 

CHC’s policies and dates for the safe reopening of our marine services and facilities are highlighted in blue below and follow the Government’s spring 2021 roadmap out of lockdown as well as guidelines issued by the RYA and British Marine. All CHC reopening plans are subject to Government guidance and our site rules. 

8th March
• Exercise and recreation outdoors with household or one other person. Household only indoors. Stay at home, no holidays. Staying overnight on your boat not permitted.
Boat owners can book a 30-minute slot at Cowes Harbour Services (CHS) Boatyard and Shepards Marina (Dry Sailing only) to check the safety of their vessel only. Book in advance by contacting the Boatyard or Marina. No visitors to the Boatyard or Marina.
Fuel Berth operates Monday-Sunday 1000-1600.
Cowes Water Taxis operating 7 days-a-week from 1000-1500.
Harbour Office closed to visitors.

29th March
• Rule of 6 or two households outdoors. Household only indoors. Organised outdoor sports permitted. Minimise travel, no holidays. Staying overnight on your boat not permitted.
• Boat owners can carry out maintenance on their vessels at the CHS Boatyard and Shepards Marina (Dry Sailing only). Visitors permitted to Boatyard.
• Fuel Berth, Water Taxis, and Harbour Office as per 8th March.

31st March
• Short stays permitted at Town Quay and Trinity Landing visitor moorings.

1st April
• Maintenance dredging completed at Shepards Marina. Open to all boat owners. Visitors permitted to Marina. Short stays also permitted. Rafting maximum two boats deep. 
• Water Taxis new operating hours, see CHC website.

12th April
• Rule of 6 or two households outdoors. Household only indoors. Indoor leisure facilities can open. Domestic overnight stays (household only). International holiday travel not permitted. Staying overnight on your boat only permitted with people in your household.
• Overnight stays permitted at Shepards Marina and CHC visitor moorings. Some facilities and berthing may be restricted. 
• Boat owner maintenance permitted at Boatyard and Marina.
• Fuel Berth, see CHC website.
• Harbour Office open to visitors.
• Water Taxis see CHC website.

17th May
• Maximum 30 people outdoors. Rule of 6 or two households indoors subject to review. All indoor group sports and exercises classes allowed. Domestic overnight stays. International travel subject to review. Staying overnight on your boat permitted with one other household or in a group of no more than 6.
• Overnight and short stays as per 12th April. Facilities and berthing to be extended to allow more visitors to stay at the marina.
• Boat owner maintenance permitted at Boatyard and Marina. Fuel Berth, Water Taxis, and Harbour Office as per 12th April.

21st June
• No limits on social contact. No restrictions on exercise, sporting and physical activity. Domestic overnight stays and international travel. No restrictions on staying overnight on your boat.
• All CHC policies as per 17th May, plus, if Government guidelines allow it, further restrictions on facilities and berthing will be lifted.

It should be noted that the outlined return dates of CHC services and facilities are subject to the UK Government review stages set for each step. Where any guidance or information is altered CHC may amend its planned return dates appropriately.

Meanwhile, our guidance on safe boating remains unchanged: know your limits; look after yourself; keep in touch and, above all, have a plan; we advise harbour users to think carefully about these factors before setting out.

We should also think carefully about the potential impact we could have on other water users when we go afloat and ensure that we do not place any unnecessary strain on the RNLI and other emergency services. We can do this by helping to minimise risks and by being considerate in our approach to our boating and acting responsibly.

Finally, Covid-19 preventative measures remain vital in keeping you, your family and others safe and we all have a role to play in adhering to the Government’s plan to return to normality in a measured way and continuing to follow the ‘hands, face, space’ and ‘letting fresh air in’ guidance.

Further information can be found on the following websites:
UK Government’s summary COVID-19 Response – Spring 2021 Roadmap out of lockdown.
Coronavirus advice and information for recreational boaters from the RYA.
British Marine Coronavirus information hub.