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News - 23/12/14

Cowes Harbour Commission to hold Annual Public Meeting

To maintain transparency, and as part of the integrated communications initiative to help clear up any misconceptions as to its roles and remit, Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) is inviting the public to attend its annual meeting being held at the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, Cowes, on Thursday June 25th at 7pm. The meeting will take place in the East Marquee that can seat up to 100 people.

CHC will use this opportunity to outline its dual roles, duties and responsibilities as a statutory Harbour Authority as well as a commercial provider of facilities and services. By holding the meeting annually, the Commission aims to provide a platform for stakeholders to give their views on harbour policy and development plans, including the Outer Harbour Project.

The Chairman of the Commission, Jeremy Preston who will chair the meeting, commented recently, “There is no question that Cowes Harbour Commission’s commitment and integrity to manage and develop the harbour is in the interests of all the users and for the wider benefit of the local and Island community. The Commissioners’ track record since 2001 has been to be pro-active in managing a professional Trust harbour that is re-investing all financial surpluses back into harbour development and the services we offer to all the customers of Cowes Harbour.

“The Commissioners believe that Cowes Harbour cannot afford to ‘stand still’ and rest on its tradition and laurels, especially in this current competitive climate and we therefore intend to continue rolling out the strategic and business objectives that are clearly laid out in our ‘Strategic Framework’ document, a document that is free for anyone to download off the CHC website or pick up a copy from the Harbour Office.”

The Harbour Master and Chief Executive of the Harbour Commissioners, Stuart McIntosh will also present the 2008 Management Report including an overview and update of the CHC’s Strategic Framework, achievements in 2008 and objectives for 2009 including the latest update on the delivery of the Outer Harbour Plan. There will be a Financial Report and this will be followed by an opportunity for the audience to put questions to the attending Commissioners.

New Commissioners appointed
CHC has recently appointed three new Harbour Commissioners and updated the portfolios of all Commissioners to align the new skills and experience with the agreed portfolios and core business policies within CHC’s Strategic Framework document. The new Commissioners are Claudia Suckling, David Riley and Jeremy Dale.

Claudia Suckling
Claudia brings a wealth of experience to the Commission having worked for 18 years in the City on large-scale infrastructure projects, and as a campaign manager for a Westminster think-tank. Since moving full time to East Cowes she has provided promotional advice to a number of local charities and has close ties to commercial river activities.

David Riley
David Riley is a partner in a firm of Chartered Accountants and is a director of an international association of professional firms. A keen racing sailor, David grew up by the sea and has kept a boat in Cowes for the last 20 years.

Jeremy Dale
Jeremy has been involved within the marine industry for most of his working life, starting out as an apprentice shipwright in the early 70’s to his current position of owner of SeaSafe Systems Ltd in Cowes.

Commissioners are appointed for three years and due to the staggered retirement policy, vacancies for Commissioners occur each year. Anyone interested in becoming a Harbour Commissioner should apply to the Chairman, via the Harbour Office, or look out for the advertisements in the IOW County Press in February each year if a post is due to become vacant in May.

New CHC workboat is launched
Cowes Harbour Commission would like to present the newest edition to its fleet of vessels, the 16 metre Multi Cat Seaclear. Constructed by Southampton Marine Services Ltd based in Hythe, Southampton, this is their first venture into workboat production. Seaclear will enter operation with Kingston Marine Services. This well equipped vessel is powered by twin Doosan 230BHP diesel engines, driving 800mm propellers through twin nozzles supplied by Watermota Ltd and delivering 8.5 knot services speed with 6 tonnes bollard pull. Deck equipment consists of a 30 t/m crane and 10 tonne winch.

This addition to the CHC fleet will specialise in the laying, servicing and recovery of moorings and buoyage and is also available for charter to carry out marine contracts including bed levelling and marine salvage.

One 2 One will be held monthly
Following the initial successful implementation of the One 2 One feedback sessions with the Harbour Master and a Commissioner, meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month at the Harbour Office between 1630 and 1800hrs. The next scheduled One 2 One is therefore on Thursday, 11th June.

Anyone can simply turn up at the appointed hour at the Harbour Office in Cowes, or make an appointment by contacting Judi at the Harbour Office on 01983 293952, or email chc@cowes.co.uk.