2.64 m VHF: Channel 69 Report an Incident

News - 02/07/15

Cowes Harbour Commission staff to the rescue

On Friday, 18th June a kayaker capsized in the vicinity of the Cowes Chain Ferry into the strong ebb tide and was subsequently separated from his kayak and washed underneath Trinity Wharf just north of the floating bridge.

Seamark, one of Cowes Harbour Commission’s vessels based at Kingston Marine Services was in the area, witnessed the incident unfold and with help from the Shepards Wharf Marina RIB were able to recover the man from the water. The kayaker was lucky not to have been washed under the berthed Red Funnel vehicle ferry. 

This incident highlights the dangers of kayaking in the River Medina. Kayaks are more susceptible to capsize and with the strong currents, confined waters and density of leisure and commercial traffic in the river, it is not advisable to navigate in this section of the estuary, particularly when the ebb tide is running. An identical incident involving a kayaker took place last year, fortunately with the same outcome.

Cowes Harbour Commission would like to recognise the professionalism shown by our staff, which resulted in the safe rescue of the individual and also alert users of kayaks to the potential dangers of using the harbour for their chosen activity. Find out more about rowing, canoeing or kayaking in the River Medina.