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News - 24/12/14

Cowes Harbour Commission news – July 2009

Cowes Harbour Commission has received an application for a Cowes Harbour Works and Dredge Consent from SEEDA (South East England Development Agency) for the Outer Harbour Project.

The Harbour Works consent is one of three permissions required for the Project, the others being:

* Consent under the Food & Environment Protection Act, issued by the Marine and Fisheries Agency;
* Planning Permission from the Isle of Wight Council.  

The components of the plan are:  

*Construction of a new rock mound breakwater and a short extension to the Shrape breakwater to create a properly protected outer harbour for the benefit of both East Cowes and Cowes;

* A marina of 300 permanent berths with separate dedicated provision of visitor and event berths to support the waterfront re-generation of East Cowes;

* Dredging of a new eastern channel to improve vessel safety within the harbour, especially during major yachting events such as Cowes Week and the annual Round the Island Race.

Full details of the proposed Outer Harbour Project application and supporting documents can be found online “here”:http://www.cowesharbourcommission.co.uk/about?id=105 and are also available to view in hard copy at the Harbour Office, Town Quay, Cowes.

The Public Exhibition held in East Cowes over 13th and 14th July was well attended with around 275 visitors, the vast majority of whom were East Cowes residents. By and large the comments were favourable and the proposed plans were seen as a positive step towards the future regeneration of East Cowes. There have undoubtedly been some frustrations over the delay in delivery of the shoreside work however, the Marina could prove to be the catalyst to getting the whole programme off the ground.

SEEDA will shortly commence going to the open market to invite expressions of interest to invest in the OHP and the unique opportunity to develop a 300+ marina berth facility in the heart of the Solent.

SEEDA and CHC will be meeting with representatives of the Cowes Yacht Clubs on 23rd July to explain in detail the proposed plan for the OHP with particular reference to tides, moorings, yacht racing and sedimentation issues.


* Registered date of application was 15th July 2009.
* Latest determination (decision) date is 15th October 2009 – a statutory 3-month period.
* Provisional Determination. The application is scheduled to be considered by the Commissioners at their Board Meeting on September 25th 2009.

Comments/objections to be received no later than the 1st September 2009 in writing to: Cowes Harbour Master, Harbour Office, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 7AS.

READ ALL ABOUT IT!  CHC supports sailing events…
Following last year’s inaugural Metre & Classic Keelboat Regatta which ran alongside the British Classic Yacht Club Regatta, Cowes has become the centre for classic sailing in Northern Europe, consistent with its heritage. By working together again, Cowes Classics Week is emerging as the week in which to hold events for classic boats attracting a major international following. This week will bring to Cowes the largest fleet of classic boats ever assembled in the UK.

You may even have noticed that Cowes Harbour Commission is supporting Cowes Classics Week, running until 26th July, as an Official Sponsor providing subsidised moorings and displays of flags and banners.

As part of its continuing programme of communicating with as many Cowes Harbour users as possible, and in its new capacity as an Official Supplier to Cowes Week 1st-8th August, CHC will be featured in the event’s Spectator Guide with a double page spread feature. The article explains in simple terms just what we are all about and how much of what we do impacts on everyone racing at and visiting Cowes Week.

We are also delighted to be the subject of the Chamber Interview in the August edition of Island Business magazine.

…and sailors!
We are delighted to be supporting one of Cowes’ most promising young sailors, Ben Rogerson in an official capacity by providing him with free berthing and facilities at Shepards Wharf Marina.

Ben’s Mini Transat 6.50m Round Britain & Ireland Record attempt on Mini Minx set off on 8th July, a day late, owing to technical problems. Since setting off Ben has suffered even more setbacks owing to some seriously dreadful weather conditions.

Just before he set off Ben was quoted as saying: “As I have said many times already this Round Britain & Ireland attempt, as a build up to the Mini Transat 2011 Campaign, has been a dream of mine for ages and its absolutely awesome to finally see the start of that dream only 24 hours away. I know I have been a real pain over the past few months to all the friends and companies around here who have helped me, having to constantly beg favours, and borrow bits and pieces all the time, I have felt really bad asking, but to a man they have all been stars and just about put up with me, I cannot thank them enough.” We wish Ben some fairer winds and a safe passage home.

Please note that there will be no One 2 One meeting held during August. The next One 2 One meeting at which you are free to discuss any issues or areas of concern, and give your general feedback in person with the Harbour Master and usually one other Cowes Harbour Commissioner, will be on Thursday, 17th September any time between 1630 and 1800hrs. Make an appointment by contacting Judi at the Harbour Office on 01983 293952, or email chc@cowes.co.uk.