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News - 24/09/14

Cowes Harbour carries out major strategic review

What do we want Cowes Harbour to look like in 2020? This and other significant questions are to form part of a far-reaching review of CHC’s current Strategic Framework document and policies, which is due to take place over the autumn/winter of 2014-2015. The existing five year Strategic Framework document was revised in May 2011. With the new breakwater funded and construction well underway, and most of the principle objectives in the current document completed, Commissioners believe that now is the right time to carry out a major objectives and policy review. This strategic review will look to 2020 and beyond, to identify CHC’s vision for the next 10 plus years. Cowes Harbour’s Advisory Committee, other key stakeholder groups and all harbour users will shortly be invited to contribute to the review process by submitting comments and recommendations for consideration. 

Harbour Master Capt. Stuart McIntosh said: “It is vitally important for CHC to consult with all Cowes Harbour stakeholders on the vision to carry us forward for the next five years; therefore, we have set up a working group to prepare a detailed strategic questionnaire for circulation. I very much look forward to receiving your ideas for improvements, indications as to what issues we need to deal with, and also, for harbour users to take a look at the overall ‘big picture’ of what they would like to see for Cowes Harbour by the year 2020 and beyond.”

We will keep you fully informed via our monthly E-newsletters and notify stakeholders as soon as consultation is due to commence so that you can send in your feedback and suggestions.

For your information, the Commission’s Strategic Framework document is a comprehensive route map for Cowes Harbour development, which drives CHC to ensure that the Commission does not lose sight of the broader objectives over a rolling five year period.

Cowes Harbour Commission Strategic Framework document May 2011