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News - 03/08/15

Cowes Harbour Berthing Master conquers the Lake District

Dave Lewis - The Lakeland 50Cowes RNLI Deputy Launching Authority and Berthing Master for CHC Dave Lewis has amply demonstrated that being 50 is no barrier to completing one of Europe’s most difficult trails. 

Keen to show he is by no means ‘over the hill’ Dave took on not one, but many hills in the Lake District, covering a total of 50 miles on Sunday, 26th July, and did this comfortably within the 24 hour time limit, taking 17 hours and 59 minutes. 

“It was a heck of a challenge, but I thoroughly enjoyed it,” said Dave, who undertook ‘The Lakeland 50’ to raise money for the RNLI for whom he is a volunteer at Cowes lifeboat station.

Of the 618 people who started out on the gruelling event, over 100 found the going too tough and dropped out before the finish. Dave ran for most of the time but occasionally walked, especially during the night when all he had to see by going over the rough terrain was a head torch.

“There was an occasion when I lost my footing while scrambling over the rocks and fell over, and by the end I had a large blister on my foot, but I still really enjoyed the event.

“Although I was quite pleased with my time, considering how steep some of the hills were, I was amazed how fit and fresh some of the other finishers looked.”

Waiting to give him a loud cheer at the finish at Lake Coniston was wife Helen and family, all of whom he had kept informed en route by text.

Dave was sponsored through JustGiving for the event, with the money raised to go to the RNLI. Anyone wanting to sponsor him is still welcome to do so through justgiving.com/dave-lewis50/ or by texting Tral50 to 70070.