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News - 02/04/14

Cowes Harbour and the breakwater build

Cowes Harbour Commissioners are fully committed to working in partnership with breakwater contractors Boskalis Westminster, project managers Atkins, Cowes Clubs and Classes, Cowes Week Limited, Town Councils, and local stakeholders to effectively and safely manage and control any potential impacts from the breakwater works on the harbour operation and smooth running of yachting events. 

Capt. Stuart McIntosh said: “It is a challenge to undertake such a major infrastructure project in a busy maritime environment without causing any disruption to the normal working of the harbour; therefore, the close cooperation we have received so far, from yacht clubs and other stakeholders in Cowes, is immensely valuable. 

“There are still some details to be worked through with regard to the proposed breakwater ‘Exclusion Zone’, and our contractors are aware of sensitivities to local concerns, especially the possible impact on yacht racing.” 

Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) are negotiating the details of the Exclusion Zone with both Boskalis and yachting event organisers, and to assist this process, it has been agreed to divert the Boskalis trailer suction dredger to Cowes within the next 10 days to carry out detailed trials to help determine the exact extent and minimisation of sea area required for the breakwater ‘Exclusion Zone’.

CHC pledges to endeavour that the impacts are kept as low as practicable, and full details will be included in the various Sailing Instructions as well as the Cowes Local Notices to Mariners. The ‘Exclusion Zone’ will be reduced in size whenever the construction permits.