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News - 30/06/16

Cowes Classics Week preview 11th-15th July

Cowes Classics Week is all about racing traditional yachts on the water and enjoying great social events ashore and there are some exciting newcomers to the Charles Stanley sponsored regatta this year. 

The International Tempest Class World Championship will be hosted within the regatta, and around 25 boats from the UK and Europe will compete at Cowes for the first time in class history. In addition, a four-strong fleet of vintage Dragons will be entering for the first time and the 8 metres will be joining in again after a one-year break. 

The event’s rule for GRP boats means that this year the Royal London YC has been able to extend an invitation to all Classic S&S Swans regardless of their design date as this class is considered to have specific provenance; five will be competing in the Over 30 ft LOA class. 

Once again the regular Classics, including Metre boats, Darings, Solent Sunbeams and Swallows will sail varied courses set in the Solent. Flying Fifteens and Bembridge One Designs will be attending the five-day event. In addition, the largest fleet of all, the XODs, has over 50 boats entered. The Squibs from the Royal Victoria YC also race on the Tuesday.

Adding to the excitement of a traditional sailing scene will be the presence of two iconic yachts, Mariquita, the beautiful 38m (125ft) Fife design built in 1911, and Opposition, built in 1971 for the then British Prime Minister Edward Heath as his second Morning Cloud and which went on to win the Admiral’s Cup. Neither yacht will be racing but Mariquita will be on the water each day with a full crew to show their support to the fleet, and both boats will be open to view after racing as part of Cowes Classics Week.

CHC looks forward to welcoming the Tempest fleet as well as visiting classic yachts to Shepards Wharf Marina and the event swinging moorings specially laid by our Kingston Marine Services team for the summer regattas.

For all the latest Cowes Classics Week news, visit http://cowesclassicsweek.org/.

Finally, if you like to plan ahead, the dates for next year’s Cowes Classics Week have been announced as 17th to 21st July 2017.

Top photo: Courtesy of Tim Jeffereys Photography.