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News - 22/03/16

Cowes Breakwater pre-season news

Harbour users and visitors to Cowes this season will notice that the exclusion zone in place during construction of the new detached breakwater has now been removed.

The permanent navigational aids marking the western and eastern toes of the breakwater, along with the five yellow lights spaced on the breakwater crest will remain in place.

In addition, two temporary north cardinal buoys have been positioned to mark the surplus gravel that remains in short-term storage on the northern face of the breakwater. The gravel is due also to be removed in April or May.

The new 350-metre long breakwater is now providing shelter and protection to the Inner Harbour area as well as the central day class moorings, vessels in the harbour, marinas, ferries, and waterfront businesses in both West and East Cowes.

When navigating in the vicinity of the breakwater, mariners are advised to remain at least 30 metres away from the breakwater crest as the rock-armoured structure extends 25 metres to the north and south. Also, you should avoid passing between the buoys marking the breakwater’s western and eastern toes because there is limited clearance; do not be tempted to cut inside or you may find yourself aground and holed, particularly around Low Water. Explanatory diagrams are available to view on the CHC website and also in our new Cowes Port Handbook 2016-2017.

See Local Notice to Mariners No 24(T) of 2016 for more information on the removal of the breakwater exclusion zone and the temporary navigation buoys instated to mark the surplus gravel store.

See our new Cowes Breakwater navigation page under ‘Approaches to Cowes’.