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News - 25/05/16

Consultation on Coastal Flood and Erosion Risk Management Strategy

Cowes Harbour Commission attended the Isle of Wight Council’s public consultation event on the draft ‘West Wight Coastal Flood and Erosion Risk Management Strategy’ on 24th May at the New Holmwood Hotel in Cowes. The IW Council and the Environment Agency have developed a Coastal Flood and Erosion Risk Management Strategy, which has now been published as part of the ongoing public consultation which ends on 30th June. 

The draft Coastal Flood and Erosion Risk Management Strategy recommends the preferred approaches needed to reduce or adapt to future coastal flooding and erosion risk for an 84km frontage of the Isle of Wight coast from Freshwater Bay to East Cowes. The strategy includes proposals for future priority schemes and examines how they could be funded. 

The Strategy Reports are available to view at iwight.com/consultations and coastalwight.gov.uk. There is also an online questionnaire for submitting your comments:

Future coastal and flood defence schemes will be developed within the government’s ‘partnership funding’ system, and will need to combine a range of public and private funding contributions. With risks set to increase in the future, it is important to develop the priorities for future risk reduction for the Isle of Wight’s coastal communities.

CHC will consider the draft consultation at the June Commissioners’ meeting and then submit our responses to the IW Council.